Sell and Rent Back :- With a Sell and Rent Back option you can stay in your 
current home and rent it back.
Financial Difficulties :- Trouble clearing your debt By selling your house to us 
you can get money back fast.
Repossession :- If you arrears with your mortgage you could be about to be 
repossessed, We can buy your house to avoid the bailiffs and debt collectors.
Divorce or Separation :- If you need to sell your house because You are getting 
divorced, We can help you sell your home.
Chain Breaking :- You need to sell your home quickly to buy the next one before 
chain breaks, we can help.
Landlords :- Who are struggling with mortgage payments, we can buy your house.
Ill health :- we can help you to sell your your house quickly if your are ill.
Bereavement :– After a death and bereavement you may not want to go through a 
prolonged house sale. we can buy your home quicker than a traditional sale.


Call now for immediate help!  

                      01274 401 821  


Ill Health:

Leaving your home due to ill health can be incredibly traumatic and nothing makes it worse than having to let the public in to view your home.

A quick property sale can be an effective way of dealing with the worries caused by unexpected health problems.


We can quickly release cash to pay privately for an operation, private nursing care or a move to a more suitable property closer to relatives. Releasing your equity can also help with any reductions in your income.



Sell and Rent Back :- With a Sell and Rent Back option you can stay in your 
current home and rent it back.
Financial Difficulties :- Trouble clearing your debt By selling your house to us 
you can get money back fast.
Repossession :- If you arrears with your mortgage you could be about to be 
repossessed, We can buy your house to avoid the bailiffs and debt collectors.
Divorce or Separation :- If you need to sell your house because You are getting 
divorced, We can help you sell your home.
Chain Breaking :- You need to sell your home quickly to buy the next one before 
chain breaks, we can help.
Landlords :- Who are struggling with mortgage payments, we can buy your house.
Ill health :- we can help you to sell your your house quickly if your are ill.
Bereavement :– After a death and bereavement you may not want to go through a 
prolonged house sale. we can buy your home quicker than a traditional sale.


First Name:

Post code:
Best time to call:
Type of property:
Reason for sale:
Estimated value:
No. of bedrooms:
Want to rent back:


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