Sell and Rent Back :- With a Sell and Rent Back option you can stay in your 
current home and rent it back.
Financial Difficulties :- Trouble clearing your debt By selling your house to us 
you can get money back fast.
Repossession :- If you arrears with your mortgage you could be about to be 
repossessed, We can buy your house to avoid the bailiffs and debt collectors.
Divorce or Separation :- If you need to sell your house because You are getting 
divorced, We can help you sell your home.
Chain Breaking :- You need to sell your home quickly to buy the next one before 
chain breaks, we can help.
Landlords :- Who are struggling with mortgage payments, we can buy your house.
Ill health :- we can help you to sell your your house quickly if your are ill.
Bereavement :– After a death and bereavement you may not want to go through a 
prolonged house sale. we can buy your home quicker than a traditional sale.


Call now for immediate help!  

                      01274 401 821  


Financial Problems:

Everyone has financial problems nowadays. We can really say that these are hard times, as everyone is struggling to cover monthly expenses. Telephone and utility bills, rent, insurance, credit cards, taxes, all of them are urgent and they have to be paid without delay.

If you have contracted a bank loan, you also have the monthly interest or mortgage to worry about.


In order to solve your financial problems and get rid of the worries about mortgage and repossession of your home, a solution would be to sell and rent back your house.

There are two advantages in the “sell and rent back” system: first, you get rid of debt problems and creditors, including of paying a huge mortgage; secondly, you continue to live in your old home. Moreover, after all the debts are paid, you will probably be left with a considerable sum of money that you can use according to your wishes.

There are many situations in which you need a quick house sale. If you need the money urgently or you want to move somewhere else, you naturally want the house sold as fast as possible. However, the process is a complicated one and it may last for months until you find a reliable buyer. 


Sell and Rent Back :- With a Sell and Rent Back option you can stay in your 
current home and rent it back.
Financial Difficulties :- Trouble clearing your debt By selling your house to us 
you can get money back fast.
Repossession :- If you arrears with your mortgage you could be about to be 
repossessed, We can buy your house to avoid the bailiffs and debt collectors.
Divorce or Separation :- If you need to sell your house because You are getting 
divorced, We can help you sell your home.
Chain Breaking :- You need to sell your home quickly to buy the next one before 
chain breaks, we can help.
Landlords :- Who are struggling with mortgage payments, we can buy your house.
Ill health :- we can help you to sell your your house quickly if your are ill.
Bereavement :– After a death and bereavement you may not want to go through a 
prolonged house sale. we can buy your home quicker than a traditional sale.


First Name:

Post code:
Best time to call:
Type of property:
Reason for sale:
Estimated value:
No. of bedrooms:
Want to rent back:


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