Sell and Rent Back :- With a Sell and Rent Back option you can stay in your 
current home and rent it back.
Financial Difficulties :- Trouble clearing your debt By selling your house to us 
you can get money back fast.
Repossession :- If you arrears with your mortgage you could be about to be 
repossessed, We can buy your house to avoid the bailiffs and debt collectors.
Divorce or Separation :- If you need to sell your house because You are getting 
divorced, We can help you sell your home.
Chain Breaking :- You need to sell your home quickly to buy the next one before 
chain breaks, we can help.
Landlords :- Who are struggling with mortgage payments, we can buy your house.
Ill health :- we can help you to sell your your house quickly if your are ill.
Bereavement :– After a death and bereavement you may not want to go through a 
prolonged house sale. we can buy your home quicker than a traditional sale.


Call now for immediate help!  

                      01274 401 821  


Chain Breaking:

Chain-breaking refers to the chain of transactions that the sale of your property depends on.

Statistics show that as much as a third of all property sales are unsuccessful as a direct result of chain-breaking. 

Experts hold that there are at least 3 transactions – or links in the so-called property chain – that are integral to a successful property sale.

If one of these transactions is unsuccessful, or if a link in the chain breaks, the entire sale falls through and the seller is left back at square one.

Essentially, chain-breaking causes complications, stress and delay.

Sell and Rent Back :- With a Sell and Rent Back option you can stay in your 
current home and rent it back.
Financial Difficulties :- Trouble clearing your debt By selling your house to us 
you can get money back fast.
Repossession :- If you arrears with your mortgage you could be about to be 
repossessed, We can buy your house to avoid the bailiffs and debt collectors.
Divorce or Separation :- If you need to sell your house because You are getting 
divorced, We can help you sell your home.
Chain Breaking :- You need to sell your home quickly to buy the next one before 
chain breaks, we can help.
Landlords :- Who are struggling with mortgage payments, we can buy your house.
Ill health :- we can help you to sell your your house quickly if your are ill.
Bereavement :– After a death and bereavement you may not want to go through a 
prolonged house sale. we can buy your home quicker than a traditional sale.


First Name:

Post code:
Best time to call:
Type of property:
Reason for sale:
Estimated value:
No. of bedrooms:
Want to rent back:


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